Pros & Cons of Camel Leather

Camel leather is one of the most exotic and luxurious leathers produced in the world. The origin of camel leather is a tale that stretches back thousands of years. The history of camel leather is believed to have begun in parts of the Arabian Peninsula and northern Africa, where people would use camel hides as blankets and clothing. People from the Middle East also used them for armor in ancient times. When ancient Rome came into existence, traders brought camel leather goods back to the major cities such as Pompeii and Rome.

Camel leather may look like an uncommon or exotic material, depending on where you are from. But there are a few reasons to consider this exquisite leather for your upcoming shopping, whether it's a jacket, bag, wallet, belt, or pair of boots, made of camel hide.

Camel leather has many advantages over other types of leather:


Camel leather is a beautiful, durable material widely used in the fashion industry. Camels live in some of the harshest climates on earth, which significantly determines how durable an animal's skin is. So it should be no surprise that camel hide is strong and less is required to create a lasting product.

Soft and flexible

This quality makes camel leather ideal for jackets, boots, belts, and wallets because it's comfortable to wear and won't crack or splinter when bent or stretched repeatedly over time.


The density of fibers per square centimeter of the hide gives camel skin its light weight and strength. A UNESCO research claims that the strength of camel hide can range from three to ten times that of cowhide.

Sustainable & ethical sourcing

The camels are raised for food rather than leather since the hides are acquired ethically. The skin is a by-product that utilizes material that would otherwise be discarded. Additionally, a chemical-free tanning method without chromium is employed. Both the waste and the water utilized in this procedure are composted.


Camel leather is resistant to wear and tear, making it an excellent material for bags, jackets, and accessories. It doesn't scratch easily, so you don't have to worry about your bag getting ruined by keys or other sharp objects. This makes camel leather perfect for travel bags and luggage!

Attractive grain pattern

The grain pattern on camel leather adds a unique look to any product that uses this type of leather. The patterns are created by hand-sanding the hide's surface before dyeing it with dyes like vegetable tannins. These dyes create an exclusive look for each piece of camel leather processed using this method, making it perfect for accessories such as jackets, wallets, or handbags!

Easy to maintain

Camel leather is easy to maintain and clean. You only need to wipe it with a damp cloth or sponge, and you can also use some mild detergent if there are stains on the surface. Despite your best efforts, stains may still appear on your camel products.


Camel leather is a versatile material for most clothing and accessories. It's soft, durable, and comfortable to wear in any season.

Palette of Colors

Camel leather is available in different shades, from light tan to dark brown, with variations between these extremes depending on how it was finished during production. This allows manufacturers to create products with almost any color imaginable!

The cons:

Camel leather is one of the most precious and expensive types of leather. It is known for its unique characteristics, which make it popular in high-end fashion and accessories. However, the material has some disadvantages you should be aware of before buying it.

It is expensive

Camel leather is one of the most expensive types of leather. It's more expensive than cow leather and horsehide leather, but it's also much thicker, so it can be used to make durable goods.

It's not as common as other hides

It isn't easy to find. Getting your hands on it takes a while, and there's only so much supply.


Camel leather has a distinct smell that can be overwhelming for some people. It is something that you'll either love or hate. It's not a bad smell, but you'll have to get used to it if you're not used to it already.


The bottom line is that all leather is not created equally — and, in the case of camel, it's one of the most luxurious you can buy! With way more pluses, camel leather comes out ahead because it is a more durable material that doesn't require as much upkeep. It lasts longer than cowhide. You can always get the most durable items by choosing full-grain or top-grain camel leather, which are the most luxuriant!

How you purchase your leather depends on how you plan to use it. If you're looking for soft leather sturdy enough to last and easy to maintain, consider investing in top-grain camel leather.

We at Nomadic Camel, who share a vision with our Bedouin ancestors, want to carry on their tradition of loving and appreciating camels by providing the world with various handcrafted goods manufactured from various parts of these extraordinary animals. Our products are made by skilled artisans using premium materials, sophistication, outstanding care, and attention to detail, adhering to time-honored customs.